Success Stories
Headroom Corporation:
"Headphone.com is an online storefront that is used to resell headphones as well as sell headphone amplifiers that
are manufactured by the headroom corporation. Prior to contacting Complete Technologies, the Headroom corporation
was using a Yahoo cart to sell products online. Headroom was looking for a complete system that would handle sales
as well as put them in control of all of their web content. They wanted an admin tool that would let them manage online
inventory, handle sales reporting, manage user access to the backend system, give them the ability to add and remove
sections from the website."
"Since we determined that this would be a tool that would benefit most manufacturers and resellers we would
develop a tool that would be able to handle the needs of most businesses. Utilizing php and mysql we developed
an online tool that would handle all of the client needs. We built the website as a series of templates that we
populate from the database and the admin tool as an interface to the database so the users could access all of the
data that would be displayed on the website"
Yellow Dog Flyfishing:
"Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures was looking for a website that they could manage themselves and showcase the incredible
photos taken at each of the world wide flyfishing destinations they work with. They were also looking for an e-mail newsletter
solution to complement their printed catalog and trade show tour"
"With the use of a web-based administration tool Yellow Dog can now manage their entire website, including e-mail
newsletters, product catalog and ever-changing list of flyfishing destinations. Every page of the website can be
updated with a page editor and no technical knowledge is required. Potential
clients can view detailed information about each destination, suggest a
destination to their friends and request an information packet for more details."
Outside Bozeman:
"Outside Bozeman is a magazine that comes out in Bozeman with articles relating to life outdoors in the Bozeman area.
They were looking for a tool that would make magazines easily available online as well as a series of tools that would
allow outdoor enthusiats to easily communicate with each other, a gear swap where people could trade outdoor gear and
a resources area that was easily maintainable through a backend tool. They also wantd to have the articles searchable
by author and subject with the ability to add authors and subjects."
"Build templates for the website that would display articles. Implement our message board system that would allow Outside
Bozeman to easily maintain posts. We also built a custom gear swap section that would allow people to post items for 30 days
and notify them when items were to expire so they could log into a user section we built and extend the items, edit them or remove them"
"Develop a community portal that allows users to interact via a custom message board that can be easily administered.
Build the business directory so that it is easy to add and remove links as well as develop a tool that will check for
dead links. Allow for easy administration of the restaurant guide via a web based tool and build a rating system for
restaurants (phase 2). Also develop a free classified section for users to add jobs and items for sale. Allow members
to edit or remove items that they post to the website."
"Build a database driven website and a data management tool to allow the site to be easily admistered. Develop reporting tools
so that site administrators could easily collect data to generate custom reports. "
Warm River:
"Warm River was looking to integrate e-commerce technology into a new website. They also wanted the ability
to manage all of their cards and orders that were processed via the web."
"We took their new website design and designed dynamic templates based around the layout. We then developed
a custom management tool that would allow Warm River to add, delete and modify card information and cards. In
all the work we performed took only 3 weeks and the site was live."